Looking for Change
Looking for Change is a suicide prevention program focused on supporting people experiencing financial hardship. Looking for Change has been made possible by funding from South Western Sydney Primary Health Network.
No matter how difficult things have become with your finances, there are practical solutions and people who can help you. Start here….
Lifeline – 13 11 14
National Debt Helpline – 1800 007 007
Gamble Aware – 1800 858 858
Help yourself or someone else by downloading the resources below:
Are Money worries weighing you down?
(Arabic) Are Money worries weighing you down?
(Vietnamese) Are Money worries weighing you down?
(Chinese) Are Money worries weighing you down?
Are you supporting someone who has money worries?
Are you concerned about a client, participant, customer or service user who has money worries?
Suicide is not a solution. There is always someone who can help, and other strategies to support you to untangle your financial crisis.
Suicide is not a solution – Poster 1
Suicide is not a solution – Poster 2
Suicide is not a solution – Poster 3
The Looking for Change podcast is here! View our last podcast episodes below…